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Consolidated Calendar

Consolidated Calendar

  • Admission into the programs is subject to fulfilment of course prerequisites.
  • Training activities may be conducted at the clients work station or any other preferred venue.
  • Training dates for all programs may be as far as possible scheduled to suit client convenience.
  • Confirmation of attendance should be done at least 2 weeks before the commencement of the program. The admissions team will send a google form to your system-registered email to aid in confirmation of attendance.
  • Training dates for all programs may be as far as possible re-scheduled
Programme CodeCourse NameCourse DateCampusTraining Delivery Method
DMPDispute Mediation in the Public Service01 Jul to 05 Jul 2024MOMBASAFace-to-Face
EYSEEntrepreneurship for Youth engaged in SMEs01 Jul to 02 Aug 2024MATUGAFace-to-Face
GUAAGovernance and Management of Urban areas and Cities01 Jul to 12 Jul 2024MOMBASAFace-to-Face
PCCProficiency Course for Clerical Officers01 Jul to 12 Jul 2024EMBUFace-to-Face
PEEMProtocol, Etiquette and Event Management Course 01 Jul to 05 Jul 2024EMBUFace-to-Face
PEMGovernment Protocol, Etiquette & Event Management01 Jul to 05 Jul 2024EMBUFace-to-Face
PMSPerformance Management Systems01 Jul to 12 Jul 2024MOMBASAFace-to-Face
PPFIPublic Policy Formulation and Implementation01 Jul to 05 Jul 2024MATUGAFace-to-Face
PRCCPublic Relations and Customer Care Course01 Jul to 12 Jul 2024EMBUFace-to-Face
RPPRetirement Planning Program01 Jul to 05 Jul 2024MOMBASAFace-to-Face
SLDPStrategic Leadership and Development Program01 Jul to 09 Aug 2024MOMBASAFace-to-Face
SLDPStrategic Leadership and Development Program01 Jul to 09 Aug 2024NAIROBIFace-to-Face
SMCSenior Management Course01 Jul to 26 Jul 2024EMBUFace-to-Face
SMCSenior Management Course01 Jul to 26 Jul 2024NAIROBIFace-to-Face
SSDCSupervisory Skills Development Course01 Jul to 12 Jul 2024EMBUFace-to-Face
SSDCSupervisory Skills Development Course01 Jul to 12 Jul 2024EMBUFace-to-Face
SSDCSupervisory Skills Development Course01 Jul to 12 Jul 2024BARINGOFace-to-Face
PPFIPublic Policy Formulation and Implementation03 Jul to 09 Jul 2024MOMBASAFace-to-Face
CGCCorporate Governance Course08 Jul to 12 Jul 2024EMBUFace-to-Face
ERMPEnterprise Risk Management in Public Sector08 Jul to 12 Jul 2024MOMBASAFace-to-Face
FNFFinance for Non Finance Managers08 Jul to 12 Jul 2024MOMBASAFace-to-Face
IPSBInduction Program for Public Sector Boards08 Jul to 12 Jul 2024MOMBASAFace-to-Face
MSCManagement Skills Course08 Jul to 02 Aug 2024EMBUFace-to-Face
PBPPreparation of Board Papers08 Jul to 12 Jul 2024NAIROBIFace-to-Face
PRAPolicy Research & Analysis08 Jul to 12 Jul 2024MATUGAFace-to-Face
PRCCPublic Relations and Customer Care Course08 Jul to 19 Jul 2024MATUGAFace-to-Face
PRCCPublic Relations and Customer Care Course08 Jul to 19 Jul 2024NAIROBIFace-to-Face
PRCCPublic Relations and Customer Care Course08 Jul to 19 Jul 2024BARINGOFace-to-Face
SLDPStrategic Leadership and Development Program08 Jul to 16 Aug 2024MATUGAFace-to-Face
SLDPStrategic Leadership and Development Program08 Jul to 16 Aug 2024EMBUFace-to-Face
SMCSenior Management Course08 Jul to 02 Aug 2024MOMBASAFace-to-Face
SMC-OSenior Management Course (Online)08 Jul to 30 Aug 2024EMBUOnline
SSDCSupervisory Skills Development Course08 Jul to 19 Jul 2024MOMBASAFace-to-Face
SSDC-OSupervisory Skills Development Course (Online)08 Jul to 02 Aug 2024MATUGAOnline
WLPWomen Leadership Development Program08 Jul to 12 Jul 2024NAIROBIFace-to-Face
ITBMInduction Training for Board Members of State Corporations08 Jul to 08 Dec 2024MOMBASAFace-to-Face
PPCMPublic Procurement & Contract Management Course08 Jul to 12 Jul 2024MOMBASAFace-to-Face
AOPAccounting Officers Program15 Jul to 19 Jul 2024MATUGAFace-to-Face
CMEMPreparation of Cabinet Memoranda15 Jul to 19 Jul 2024EMBUFace-to-Face
CMMConduct of Meetings and Minute Writing Course15 Jul to 19 Jul 2024NAIROBIFace-to-Face
CSPCommunication Skills for Public Service Officers15 Jul to 26 Jul 2024MOMBASAFace-to-Face
CSPCommunication Skills for Public Service Officers15 Jul to 19 Jul 2024NAIROBIFace-to-Face
HSCHospitality Skills Development Course15 Jul to 26 Jul 2024EMBUFace-to-Face
PCCProficiency Course for Clerical Officers15 Jul to 26 Jul 2024MOMBASAFace-to-Face
PCCProficiency Course for Clerical Officers15 Jul to 26 Jul 2024EMBUFace-to-Face
PEEMProtocol, Etiquette and Event Management Course 15 Jul to 19 Jul 2024NAIROBIFace-to-Face
PIMProductivity Improvement and Measurement15 Jul to 19 Jul 2024BARINGOFace-to-Face
PRCCPublic Relations and Customer Care Course15 Jul to 26 Jul 2024MOMBASAFace-to-Face
PSECProficiency Skills Enhancement Course15 Jul to 09 Aug 2024MOMBASAFace-to-Face
PVESPrevention and Control of Violence Extremism Course for Senior Officers15 Jul to 26 Jul 2024NAIROBIFace-to-Face
RBMEResults Based Monitoring and Evaluation15 Jul to 26 Jul 2024NAIROBIFace-to-Face
RPPRetirement Planning Program15 Jul to 19 Jul 2024MOMBASAFace-to-Face
SMCSenior Management Course15 Jul to 09 Aug 2024MATUGAFace-to-Face
SPMStrategic Planning and Management15 Jul to 19 Jul 2024EMBUFace-to-Face
SSDCSupervisory Skills Development Course15 Jul to 26 Jul 2024MOMBASAFace-to-Face
SSDCSupervisory Skills Development Course15 Jul to 26 Jul 2024NAIROBIFace-to-Face
CSDCommunication Skills Development Course15 Jul to 26 Jul 2024MOMBASAFace-to-Face
ECPSEssentials of Counseling in Public Service15 Jul to 26 Jul 2024MOMBASAFace-to-Face
CMMConduct of Meetings and Minute Writing Course22 Jul to 26 Jul 2024MOMBASAFace-to-Face
CMMConduct of Meetings and Minute Writing Course22 Jul to 26 Jul 2024MOMBASAFace-to-Face
FIDPFraud Investigation, Detection and Prevention22 Jul to 26 Jul 2024NAIROBIFace-to-Face
GDPGender and Development Program22 Jul to 26 Jul 2024NAIROBIFace-to-Face
INRInduction Program for Newly Recruited Officers22 Jul to 26 Jul 2024EMBUFace-to-Face
MOAManagement Course for Office Administrators22 Jul to 16 Aug 2024MATUGAFace-to-Face
PFMPublic Finance Management Course22 Jul to 26 Jul 2024NAIROBIFace-to-Face
PPFIPublic Policy Formulation and Implementation22 Jul to 26 Jul 2024NAIROBIFace-to-Face
RPPRetirement Planning Program22 Jul to 26 Jul 2024EMBUFace-to-Face
SMCSenior Management Course22 Jul to 16 Aug 2024BARINGOFace-to-Face
MSMEManagement of Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises22 Jul to 26 Jul 2024MATUGAFace-to-Face
ERMElectronic Records Management Course29 Jul to 16 Aug 2024ELDIFace-to-Face
MOAManagement Course for Office Administrators29 Jul to 23 Aug 2024NAIROBIFace-to-Face
RBMEResults Based Monitoring and Evaluation29 Jul to 09 Aug 2024MATUGAFace-to-Face
RMCRecords Management Course29 Jul to 23 Aug 2024NAIROBIFace-to-Face
RPPRetirement Planning Program29 Jul to 02 Aug 2024MATUGAFace-to-Face
RWCReport Writing Course29 Jul to 02 Aug 2024NAIROBIFace-to-Face
SLDPStrategic Leadership and Development Program29 Jul to 04 Oct 2024MOMBASAFace-to-Face
SLDP-OStrategic Leadership Development Program (Online)29 Jul to 04 Oct 2024MOMBASAOnline
SMCSenior Management Course29 Jul to 23 Aug 2024EMBUFace-to-Face
SMC-OSenior Management Course (Online)29 Jul to 20 Sep 2024MATUGAOnline
SMC-OSenior Management Course (Online)29 Jul to 20 Sep 2024MOMBASAOnline
SSDCSupervisory Skills Development Course29 Jul to 09 Aug 2024MATUGAFace-to-Face
ERMPEnterprise Risk Management in Public Sector05 Aug to 09 Aug 2024MATUGAFace-to-Face
EYSEEntrepreneurship for Youth engaged in SMEs05 Aug to 09 Aug 2024MOMBASAFace-to-Face
MCPSManagement of Child Protection Services05 Aug to 16 Aug 2024EMBUFace-to-Face
MSAManagement of Student Affairs in Universities and Tertiary Institutions05 Aug to 16 Aug 2024NAIROBIFace-to-Face
RMCRecords Management Course05 Aug to 30 Aug 2024EMBUFace-to-Face
SLDPStrategic Leadership and Development Program05 Aug to 16 Sep 2024BARINGOFace-to-Face
SLDP-OStrategic Leadership Development Program (Online)05 Aug to 11 Oct 2024EMBUOnline
SMCSenior Management Course05 Aug to 30 Aug 2024NAIROBIFace-to-Face
SMC-OSenior Management Course (Online)05 Aug to 27 Sep 2024NAIROBIOnline
SMC-OSenior Management Course (Online)05 Aug to 27 Sep 2024BARINGOOnline
SPIStrategic Planning and Implementation05 Aug to 16 Aug 2024EMBUFace-to-Face
SSDCSupervisory Skills Development Course05 Aug to 16 Aug 2024BARINGOFace-to-Face
PRCC - OPublic Relations & Customer Care (Online)05 Aug to 30 Aug 2024MATUGAOnline
ARAAudit and Risk Assurance12 Aug to 16 Aug 2024MOMBASAFace-to-Face
DPPData Protection Program12 Aug to 16 Aug 2024ELDIFace-to-Face
EVITEthics, Values and Integrity Development Program for Technical Officers12 Aug to 30 Aug 2024MATUGAFace-to-Face
EWLExecutive Women Leadership Program12 Aug to 16 Aug 2024NAIROBIFace-to-Face
EYSEEntrepreneurship for Youth engaged in SMEs12 Aug to 16 Aug 2024NAIROBIFace-to-Face
FARRFinancial Accounting, Reporting and Analysis12 Aug to 16 Aug 2024NAIROBIFace-to-Face
HSCHospitality Skills Development Course12 Aug to 23 Aug 2024NAIROBIFace-to-Face
IPSASInternational Public Sector Accounting Standards Course12 Aug to 23 Aug 2024NAIROBIFace-to-Face
MCPSManagement of Child Protection Services12 Aug to 23 Aug 2024BARINGOFace-to-Face
MSPSManagement of Social Protection Services12 Aug to 23 Aug 2024BARINGOFace-to-Face
PPFIPublic Policy Formulation and Implementation12 Aug to 16 Aug 2024MOMBASAFace-to-Face
RBMEResults Based Monitoring and Evaluation12 Aug to 23 Aug 2024MOMBASAFace-to-Face
RESCRevenue Enhancement Skills Course12 Aug to 23 Aug 2024EMBUFace-to-Face
SLDP-OStrategic Leadership Development Program (Online)12 Aug to 18 Oct 2024MATUGAOnline
SMCSenior Management Course12 Aug to 06 Sep 2024MOMBASAFace-to-Face
SMCSenior Management Course12 Aug to 06 Sep 2024MOMBASAFace-to-Face
SMCSenior Management Course12 Aug to 06 Sep 2024BARINGOFace-to-Face
SSDCSupervisory Skills Development Course12 Aug to 23 Aug 2024EMBUFace-to-Face
SSDCSupervisory Skills Development Course12 Aug to 23 Aug 2024MOMBASAFace-to-Face
SSDCSupervisory Skills Development Course12 Aug to 23 Aug 2024NAIROBIFace-to-Face
VEMOPublic Service values and Ethics for Managerial officers12 Aug to 16 Aug 2024EMBUFace-to-Face
LPHULeadership Program for Heads of Universities12 Aug to 16 Aug 2024NAIROBIFace-to-Face
CCTCustomer Care Course19 Aug to 23 Aug 2024EMBUFace-to-Face
ARAAudit and Risk Assurance19 Aug to 23 Aug 2024EMBUFace-to-Face
FMWFinancial Management for Project Accountants in Government & World Bank.19 Aug to 30 Aug 2024ELDIFace-to-Face
FMWFinancial Management for Project Accountants in Government & World Bank.19 Aug to 30 Aug 2024ELDIFace-to-Face
PFMPublic Finance Management Course19 Aug to 23 Aug 2024BARINGOFace-to-Face
PIMProductivity Improvement and Measurement19 Aug to 23 Aug 2024EMBUFace-to-Face
PMERProject Monitoring, Evaluation & Reporting19 Aug to 30 Aug 2024NAIROBIFace-to-Face
RMCRecords Management Course19 Aug to 13 Sep 2024MATUGAFace-to-Face
RPPRetirement Planning Program19 Aug to 23 Aug 2024MOMBASAFace-to-Face
SLDPStrategic Leadership and Development Program19 Aug to 27 Sep 2024NAIROBIFace-to-Face
SMCSenior Management Course19 Aug to 13 Sep 2024MATUGAFace-to-Face
TOTTraining of Trainers19 Aug to 30 Aug 2024EMBUFace-to-Face
TOTTraining of Trainers19 Aug to 30 Aug 2024NAIROBIFace-to-Face
YLDYoung Leaders Development Program19 Aug to 23 Aug 2024NAIROBIFace-to-Face
HRACHuman Resource Advisory Committee Course19 Aug to 23 Aug 2024NAIROBIFace-to-Face
CMRConflict Prevention Management and Resolution26 Aug to 30 Aug 2024NAIROBIFace-to-Face
CRBChild-Responsive Budgeting26 Aug to 30 Aug 2024NAIROBIFace-to-Face
SLDPStrategic Leadership and Development Program26 Aug to 04 Oct 2024MATUGAFace-to-Face
SLDPStrategic Leadership and Development Program26 Aug to 04 Oct 2024NAIROBIFace-to-Face
SMCSenior Management Course26 Aug to 20 Sep 2024EMBUFace-to-Face
SMC-OSenior Management Course (Online)26 Aug to 18 Oct 2024EMBUOnline
SPMStrategic Planning and Management26 Aug to 30 Aug 2024NAIROBIFace-to-Face
SWCSpeech Writing Course26 Aug to 30 Aug 2024NAIROBIFace-to-Face
ERMElectronic Records Management Course02 Sep to 06 Sep 2024ELDIFace-to-Face
KMCKnowledge Management Course02 Sep to 06 Sep 2024ELDIFace-to-Face
MSCManagement Skills Course02 Sep to 27 Sep 2024MOMBASAFace-to-Face
MSCManagement Skills Course02 Sep to 27 Sep 2024MATUGAFace-to-Face
MSCManagement Skills Course02 Sep to 27 Sep 2024BARINGOFace-to-Face
PPMProject Planning and Management02 Sep to 27 Sep 2024MOMBASAFace-to-Face
PPMProject Planning and Management02 Sep to 27 Sep 2024EMBUFace-to-Face
RMCRecords Management Course02 Sep to 27 Sep 2024MOMBASAFace-to-Face
SHRStrategic Human Resource Management &Development Course02 Sep to 06 Sep 2024NAIROBIFace-to-Face
SLDP-OStrategic Leadership Development Program (Online)02 Sep to 08 Nov 2024BARINGOOnline
SMCSenior Management Course02 Sep to 27 Sep 2024NAIROBIFace-to-Face
SLDP-OStrategic Leadership Development Program (Online)02 Sep to 08 Nov 2024BARINGOOnline
WSPWellness Selfcare Program02 Sep to 13 Sep 2024ELDIFace-to-Face
WSPWellness Selfcare Program02 Sep to 13 Sep 2024NAIROBIFace-to-Face
MOAManagement Course for Office Administrators05 Sep to 23 Sep 2024EMBUFace-to-Face
CMMConduct of Meetings and Minute Writing Course09 Sep to 13 Sep 2024NAIROBIFace-to-Face
CMPCoaching and Mentoring in the Public Service09 Sep to 13 Sep 2024EMBUFace-to-Face
ERMPEnterprise Risk Management in Public Sector09 Sep to 13 Sep 2024BARINGOFace-to-Face
EVIMEthics, Values and Integrity Development Program for Managers09 Sep to 27 Sep 2024EMBUFace-to-Face
GACInduction Program for Government Advisors09 Sep to 20 Sep 2024EMBUFace-to-Face
HSCHospitality Skills Development Course09 Sep to 20 Sep 2024BARINGOFace-to-Face
LMISIntegrated Library Management System09 Sep to 20 Sep 2024EMBUFace-to-Face
DASData Analysis Skills Development09 Sep to 24 Sep 2024EMBUFace-to-Face
PAMPayroll Administration Management09 Sep to 20 Sep 2024ELDIFace-to-Face
PFMPublic Finance Management Course09 Sep to 13 Sep 2024MOMBASAFace-to-Face
PMSPerformance Management Systems09 Sep to 20 Sep 2024EMBUFace-to-Face
PRCCPublic Relations and Customer Care Course09 Sep to 20 Sep 2024MOMBASAFace-to-Face
PRCCPublic Relations and Customer Care Course09 Sep to 20 Sep 2024EMBUFace-to-Face
RPPRetirement Planning Program09 Sep to 13 Sep 2024MOMBASAFace-to-Face
RWCReport Writing Course09 Sep to 13 Sep 2024EMBUFace-to-Face
SIASocial Impact Assessment in Project Management09 Sep to 27 Sep 2024NAIROBIFace-to-Face
SLDPStrategic Leadership and Development Program09 Sep to 18 Oct 2024MATUGAFace-to-Face
SLDPStrategic Leadership and Development Program09 Sep to 18 Oct 2024NAIROBIFace-to-Face
SMCSenior Management Course09 Sep to 04 Oct 2024BARINGOFace-to-Face
SSDCSupervisory Skills Development Course09 Sep to 20 Sep 2024MOMBASAFace-to-Face
TOTTraining of Trainers09 Sep to 20 Sep 2024MATUGAFace-to-Face
TOTTraining of Trainers09 Sep to 20 Sep 2024BARINGOFace-to-Face
YLDYoung Leaders Development Program09 Sep to 13 Sep 2024MOMBASAFace-to-Face
MSMEManagement of Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises09 Sep to 13 Sep 2024MOMBASAFace-to-Face
PPCMPublic Procurement & Contract Management Course09 Sep to 20 Sep 2024MOMBASAFace-to-Face
CMRConflict Prevention Management and Resolution15 Sep to 19 Sep 2024EMBUFace-to-Face
CMRConflict Prevention Management and Resolution16 Sep to 20 Sep 2024EMBUFace-to-Face
DPPOData Protection Program - Online16 Sep to 27 Sep 2024ELDIOnline
AEDAdvanced Excel for Data modelling16 Sep to 20 Sep 2024ELDIFace-to-Face
BPRBusiness Process Re-Engineering Course16 Sep to 20 Sep 2024MATUGAFace-to-Face
CSPSCounty Social Protection Services Course16 Sep to 20 Sep 2024EMBUFace-to-Face
EWLExecutive Women Leadership Program16 Sep to 20 Sep 2024EMBUFace-to-Face
FNFFinance for Non Finance Managers16 Sep to 20 Sep 2024MOMBASAFace-to-Face
HSCHospitality Skills Development Course16 Sep to 27 Sep 2024EMBUFace-to-Face
IPSASInternational Public Sector Accounting Standards Course16 Sep to 14 Oct 2024EMBUFace-to-Face
IRCMInstitutional Re-engineering and Change Management Course16 Sep to 20 Sep 2024EMBUFace-to-Face
MPCHManagement of Parliamentary Committee Hearings16 Sep to 20 Sep 2024EMBUFace-to-Face
NSCNegotiation Skills Course16 Sep to 20 Sep 2024BARINGOFace-to-Face
PIMProductivity Improvement and Measurement16 Sep to 20 Sep 2024MATUGAFace-to-Face
PPFIPublic Policy Formulation and Implementation16 Sep to 27 Sep 2024BARINGOFace-to-Face
PRCCPublic Relations and Customer Care Course16 Sep to 27 Sep 2024BARINGOFace-to-Face
PSFMPublic Sector Financial Management Course16 Sep to 11 Oct 2024NAIROBIFace-to-Face
PSPSPublic Speaking & Presentation Skills16 Sep to 20 Sep 2024NAIROBIFace-to-Face
RPPRetirement Planning Program16 Sep to 20 Sep 2024NAIROBIFace-to-Face
SLDPStrategic Leadership and Development Program16 Sep to 25 Oct 2024MOMBASAFace-to-Face
SLDPStrategic Leadership and Development Program16 Sep to 25 Oct 2024BARINGOFace-to-Face
SMCSenior Management Course16 Sep to 11 Oct 2024MOMBASAFace-to-Face
SSDCSupervisory Skills Development Course16 Sep to 27 Sep 2024NAIROBIFace-to-Face
SSDCSupervisory Skills Development Course16 Sep to 27 Sep 2024BARINGOFace-to-Face
MSMEManagement of Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises16 Sep to 20 Sep 2024NAIROBIFace-to-Face
PPCMPublic Procurement & Contract Management Course16 Sep to 20 Sep 2024MOMBASAFace-to-Face
SLDP-OStrategic Leadership Development Program (Online)19 Sep to 08 Nov 2024EMBUOnline
CGCCorporate Governance Course23 Sep to 27 Sep 2024MATUGAFace-to-Face
CGCCorporate Governance Course23 Sep to 27 Sep 2024EMBUFace-to-Face
FNFFinance for Non Finance Managers23 Sep to 27 Sep 2024EMBUFace-to-Face
MCPSManagement of Child Protection Services23 Sep to 04 Oct 2024NAIROBIFace-to-Face
PIMProductivity Improvement and Measurement23 Sep to 27 Sep 2024BARINGOFace-to-Face
PSPSPublic Speaking & Presentation Skills23 Sep to 27 Sep 2024MOMBASAFace-to-Face
PSPSPublic Speaking & Presentation Skills23 Sep to 27 Sep 2024EMBUFace-to-Face
RPPRetirement Planning Program23 Sep to 27 Sep 2024BARINGOFace-to-Face
RWCReport Writing Course23 Sep to 27 Sep 2024MATUGAFace-to-Face
SLDPStrategic Leadership and Development Program23 Sep to 01 Nov 2024NAIROBIFace-to-Face
SMCSenior Management Course23 Sep to 18 Oct 2024MATUGAFace-to-Face
SMCSenior Management Course23 Sep to 18 Oct 2024EMBUFace-to-Face
SMC-OSenior Management Course (Online)23 Sep to 15 Nov 2024MOMBASAOnline
CSDCommunication Skills Development Course30 Sep to 11 Oct 2024MOMBASAFace-to-Face
BPRBusiness Process Re-Engineering Course30 Sep to 04 Oct 2024NAIROBIFace-to-Face
CSPCommunication Skills for Public Service Officers30 Sep to 11 Oct 2024MOMBASAFace-to-Face
HSCHospitality Skills Development Course30 Sep to 11 Oct 2024MATUGAFace-to-Face
IRCMInstitutional Re-engineering and Change Management Course30 Sep to 04 Oct 2024NAIROBIFace-to-Face
PADPayroll Administration for Directors30 Sep to 04 Oct 2024ELDIFace-to-Face
SLDPStrategic Leadership and Development Program30 Sep to 08 Nov 2024MOMBASAFace-to-Face
SMCSenior Management Course30 Sep to 25 Oct 2024NAIROBIFace-to-Face
SSDC-OSupervisory Skills Development Course (Online)30 Sep to 25 Oct 2024MATUGAOnline
AMCAsset Management Course07 Oct to 11 Oct 2024NAIROBIFace-to-Face
EVITEthics, Values and Integrity Development Program for Technical Officers07 Oct to 25 Oct 2024EMBUFace-to-Face
GIBGovernment Identity and Branding07 Oct to 18 Oct 2024EMBUFace-to-Face
MSC-OManagement Skills Course (Online)07 Oct to 29 Nov 2024EMBUOnline
PEEMProtocol, Etiquette and Event Management Course 07 Oct to 11 Oct 2024MATUGAFace-to-Face
PEMGovernment Protocol, Etiquette & Event Management07 Oct to 11 Oct 2024MOMBASAFace-to-Face
PPFIPublic Policy Formulation and Implementation07 Oct to 11 Oct 2024MOMBASAFace-to-Face
RMCRecords Management Course07 Oct to 25 Oct 2024BARINGOFace-to-Face
SLDPStrategic Leadership and Development Program07 Oct to 13 Dec 2024MOMBASAFace-to-Face
SLDPStrategic Leadership and Development Program07 Oct to 15 Nov 2024EMBUFace-to-Face
SLDP-OStrategic Leadership Development Program (Online)07 Oct to 13 Dec 2024MOMBASAOnline
SLDP-OStrategic Leadership Development Program (Online)07 Oct to 13 Dec 2024NAIROBIOnline
SLDP-OStrategic Leadership Development Program (Online)07 Oct to 08 Nov 2024EMBUOnline
SMCSenior Management Course07 Oct to 01 Nov 2024BARINGOFace-to-Face
SMC-OSenior Management Course (Online)07 Oct to 29 Nov 2024MATUGAOnline
SMC-OSenior Management Course (Online)07 Oct to 29 Nov 2024BARINGOOnline
SSDCSupervisory Skills Development Course07 Oct to 18 Oct 2024MOMBASAFace-to-Face
SSDCSupervisory Skills Development Course07 Oct to 18 Oct 2024EMBUFace-to-Face
YLDYoung Leaders Development Program07 Oct to 11 Oct 2024EMBUFace-to-Face
FOPFacilitation approaches for Online Programs (online)07 Oct to 08 Nov 2024ELDIFace-to-Face
HRMDHuman Resource Management and Development07 Oct to 11 Oct 2024MOMBASAFace-to-Face
MOA-OManagement Course for Office Administrators- Online07 Oct to 29 Nov 2024EMBUOnline
NSCNegotiation Skills Course13 Oct to 14 Oct 2024NAIROBIFace-to-Face
PFMPublic Finance Management Course13 Oct to 14 Oct 2024NAIROBIFace-to-Face
ECSEssential Computer Skills Course14 Oct to 25 Oct 2024MOMBASAFace-to-Face
AEDAdvanced Excel for Data modelling14 Oct to 18 Oct 2024ELDIFace-to-Face
ECSEssential Computer Skills Course14 Oct to 25 Oct 2024MOMBASAFace-to-Face
PPMProject Planning and Management14 Oct to 08 Nov 2024MATUGAFace-to-Face
PRCCPublic Relations and Customer Care Course14 Oct to 25 Oct 2024NAIROBIFace-to-Face
RPPRetirement Planning Program14 Oct to 18 Oct 2024EMBUFace-to-Face
RWCReport Writing Course14 Oct to 18 Oct 2024NAIROBIFace-to-Face
SMC-OSenior Management Course (Online)14 Oct to 06 Dec 2024NAIROBIOnline
SSDCSupervisory Skills Development Course14 Oct to 25 Oct 2024NAIROBIFace-to-Face
TLCTransformative Leadership Course14 Oct to 18 Oct 2024NAIROBIFace-to-Face
VEMOPublic Service values and Ethics for Managerial officers14 Oct to 18 Oct 2024MATUGAFace-to-Face
WPLWomen in Political Leadership Program14 Oct to 18 Oct 2024NAIROBIFace-to-Face
YEAYouth Enterprise in Agriculture14 Oct to 18 Oct 2024NAIROBIFace-to-Face
MDDPManaging Discipline and Disciplinary Procedures in the Public Service14 Oct to 18 Oct 2024NAIROBIFace-to-Face
ARAAudit and Risk Assurance21 Oct to 25 Oct 2024MOMBASAFace-to-Face
CMPCoaching and Mentoring in the Public Service21 Oct to 25 Oct 2024MATUGAFace-to-Face
CSCCyber Security Course21 Oct to 25 Oct 2024ELDIFace-to-Face
ERMPEnterprise Risk Management in Public Sector21 Oct to 25 Oct 2024NAIROBIFace-to-Face
GUAAGovernance and Management of Urban areas and Cities21 Oct to 01 Nov 2024MOMBASAFace-to-Face
PRAPolicy Research & Analysis21 Oct to 25 Oct 2024BARINGOFace-to-Face
RPPRetirement Planning Program21 Oct to 25 Oct 2024MOMBASAFace-to-Face
SMCSenior Management Course21 Oct to 15 Nov 2024EMBUFace-to-Face
SMCSenior Management Course21 Oct to 15 Nov 2024MOMBASAFace-to-Face
SMC-OSenior Management Course (Online)21 Oct to 13 Dec 2024EMBUOnline
SPMStrategic Planning and Management21 Oct to 25 Oct 2024MATUGAFace-to-Face
TOT-OPedagogy for Senior Programs (Training of Trainers) Online21 Oct to 15 Nov 2024BARINGOFace-to-Face
VPCVIP Protection Course21 Oct to 25 Oct 2024NAIROBIFace-to-Face
ATIAccess to Information in the Public service course28 Oct to 01 Nov 2024NAIROBIFace-to-Face
CGCCorporate Governance Course28 Oct to 01 Nov 2024NAIROBIFace-to-Face
CSPCommunication Skills for Public Service Officers28 Oct to 01 Nov 2024NAIROBIFace-to-Face
DPPData Protection Program28 Oct to 01 Nov 2024ELDIFace-to-Face
FIDPFraud Investigation, Detection and Prevention28 Oct to 01 Nov 2024NAIROBIFace-to-Face
MSCManagement Skills Course28 Oct to 22 Nov 2024MOMBASAFace-to-Face
PEEMProtocol, Etiquette and Event Management Course 28 Oct to 01 Nov 2024NAIROBIFace-to-Face
PMSPerformance Management Systems28 Oct to 08 Nov 2024MOMBASAFace-to-Face
PPMProject Planning and Management28 Oct to 22 Nov 2024MOMBASAFace-to-Face
SLDPStrategic Leadership and Development Program28 Oct to 06 Dec 2024MATUGAFace-to-Face
SLDPStrategic Leadership and Development Program28 Oct to 06 Dec 2024BARINGOFace-to-Face
SMCSenior Management Course28 Oct to 22 Nov 2024NAIROBIFace-to-Face
SMCSenior Management Course28 Oct to 22 Nov 2024EMBUFace-to-Face
CMMConduct of Meetings and Minute Writing Course04 Nov to 08 Nov 2024EMBUFace-to-Face
DDEPDesigning and Developing e-learning programs04 Nov to 15 Nov 2024ELDIFace-to-Face
EVIMEthics, Values and Integrity Development Program for Managers04 Nov to 08 Nov 2024MATUGAFace-to-Face
FNFFinance for Non Finance Managers04 Nov to 08 Nov 2024NAIROBIFace-to-Face
GIBGovernment Identity and Branding04 Nov to 15 Nov 2024EMBUFace-to-Face
GUAAGovernance and Management of Urban areas and Cities04 Nov to 15 Nov 2024NAIROBIFace-to-Face
HSCHospitality Skills Development Course04 Nov to 15 Nov 2024EMBUFace-to-Face
MOAManagement Course for Office Administrators04 Nov to 29 Nov 2024EMBUFace-to-Face
MSCManagement Skills Course04 Nov to 29 Nov 2024EMBUFace-to-Face
MSPSManagement of Social Protection Services04 Nov to 15 Nov 2024NAIROBIFace-to-Face
HRACHuman Resource Advisory Committee Course04 Nov to 08 Nov 2024NAIROBIFace-to-Face
PDMProject Development and Management04 Nov to 29 Nov 2024EMBUFace-to-Face
PEEMProtocol, Etiquette and Event Management Course 04 Nov to 08 Nov 2024EMBUFace-to-Face
RBMEResults Based Monitoring and Evaluation04 Nov to 15 Nov 2024EMBUFace-to-Face
SLDPStrategic Leadership and Development Program04 Nov to 13 Dec 2024NAIROBIFace-to-Face
SMCSenior Management Course04 Nov to 29 Nov 2024MATUGAFace-to-Face
SMCSenior Management Course04 Nov to 29 Nov 2024BARINGOFace-to-Face
SSDCSupervisory Skills Development Course04 Nov to 15 Nov 2024EMBUFace-to-Face
SSDC-OSupervisory Skills Development Course (Online)04 Nov to 29 Nov 2024EMBUOnline
TLCTransformative Leadership Course04 Nov to 08 Nov 2024EMBUFace-to-Face
TLCWTransformative Leadership Program for County Women Executives04 Nov to 08 Nov 2024EMBUFace-to-Face
WLPWomen Leadership Development Program04 Nov to 08 Nov 2024NAIROBIFace-to-Face
HRMDHuman Resource Management and Development04 Nov to 08 Nov 2024MOMBASAFace-to-Face
PPCMPublic Procurement & Contract Management Course04 Nov to 15 Nov 2024MOMBASAFace-to-Face
PRCC - OPublic Relations & Customer Care (Online)04 Nov to 29 Nov 2024EMBUOnline
PRCC - OPublic Relations & Customer Care (Online)04 Nov to 29 Nov 2024MATUGAOnline
CSDCommunication Skills Development Course11 Nov to 22 Nov 2024MOMBASAFace-to-Face
ECPSEssentials of Counseling in Public Service11 Nov to 22 Nov 2024EMBUFace-to-Face
ECPSEssentials of Counseling in Public Service11 Nov to 22 Nov 2024MOMBASAFace-to-Face
CSPCommunication Skills for Public Service Officers11 Nov to 22 Nov 2024MOMBASAFace-to-Face
CSPSCounty Social Protection Services Course11 Nov to 15 Nov 2024EMBUFace-to-Face
FMWFinancial Management for Project Accountants in Government & World Bank.11 Nov to 22 Nov 2024ELDIFace-to-Face
ICPSInnovation and Creativity in Public Service11 Nov to 22 Nov 2024MOMBASAFace-to-Face
MSAManagement of Student Affairs in Universities and Tertiary Institutions11 Nov to 22 Nov 2024EMBUFace-to-Face
PIMProductivity Improvement and Measurement11 Nov to 15 Nov 2024NAIROBIFace-to-Face
PRCCPublic Relations and Customer Care Course11 Nov to 22 Nov 2024MOMBASAFace-to-Face
PRCCPublic Relations and Customer Care Course11 Nov to 15 Nov 2024MOMBASAFace-to-Face
PRCCPublic Relations and Customer Care Course11 Nov to 22 Nov 2024EMBUFace-to-Face
PSPSPublic Speaking & Presentation Skills11 Nov to 15 Nov 2024MOMBASAFace-to-Face
RMCRecords Management Course11 Nov to 06 Dec 2024NAIROBIFace-to-Face
SLDPStrategic Leadership and Development Program11 Nov to 20 Dec 2024MOMBASAFace-to-Face
SLDP-OStrategic Leadership Development Program (Online)11 Nov to 17 Jan 2025BARINGOOnline
SSDCSupervisory Skills Development Course11 Nov to 22 Nov 2024NAIROBIFace-to-Face
TLCTransformative Leadership Course11 Nov to 15 Nov 2024BARINGOFace-to-Face
YEAYouth Enterprise in Agriculture11 Nov to 22 Nov 2024MATUGAFace-to-Face
YEAYouth Enterprise in Agriculture11 Nov to 22 Nov 2024EMBUFace-to-Face
SDPMSkills Development Program for Educational Institutions11 Nov to 15 Nov 2024MOMBASAFace-to-Face
SDPMSkills Development Program for Educational Institutions11 Nov to 15 Nov 2024MATUGAFace-to-Face
SLDP-OStrategic Leadership Development Program (Online)11 Nov to 17 Jan 2025BARINGOOnline
AOPAccounting Officers Program18 Nov to 22 Nov 2024MATUGAFace-to-Face
ARAAudit and Risk Assurance18 Nov to 22 Nov 2024EMBUFace-to-Face
CMPCoaching and Mentoring in the Public Service18 Nov to 22 Nov 2024NAIROBIFace-to-Face
EWLExecutive Women Leadership Program18 Nov to 22 Nov 2024EMBUFace-to-Face
FNFFinance for Non Finance Managers18 Nov to 22 Nov 2024MOMBASAFace-to-Face
HRMDHuman Resource Management and Development18 Nov to 22 Nov 2024MATUGAFace-to-Face
ISSInformation System Security Management Course18 Nov to 22 Nov 2024ELDIFace-to-Face
MOAManagement Course for Office Administrators18 Nov to 13 Dec 2024MOMBASAFace-to-Face
PMERProject Monitoring, Evaluation & Reporting18 Nov to 29 Nov 2024NAIROBIFace-to-Face
PRAPolicy Research & Analysis18 Nov to 22 Nov 2024EMBUFace-to-Face
RPPRetirement Planning Program18 Nov to 22 Nov 2024MOMBASAFace-to-Face
SMCSenior Management Course18 Nov to 13 Dec 2024EMBUFace-to-Face
SSDCSupervisory Skills Development Course18 Nov to 29 Nov 2024MOMBASAFace-to-Face
SSDCSupervisory Skills Development Course18 Nov to 29 Nov 2024BARINGOFace-to-Face
SSDC-OSupervisory Skills Development Course (Online)18 Nov to 13 Dec 2024MATUGAOnline
TLCWTransformative Leadership Program for County Women Executives18 Nov to 22 Nov 2024NAIROBIFace-to-Face
TOTTraining of Trainers18 Nov to 29 Nov 2024EMBUFace-to-Face
PPCMPublic Procurement & Contract Management Course18 Nov to 22 Nov 2024MOMBASAFace-to-Face
CMMConduct of Meetings and Minute Writing Course25 Nov to 29 Nov 2024MATUGAFace-to-Face
CMMConduct of Meetings and Minute Writing Course25 Nov to 29 Nov 2024NAIROBIFace-to-Face
CMPCoaching and Mentoring in the Public Service25 Nov to 29 Nov 2024EMBUFace-to-Face
FARRFinancial Accounting, Reporting and Analysis25 Nov to 29 Nov 2024NAIROBIFace-to-Face
KMCKnowledge Management Course25 Nov to 29 Nov 2024ELDIFace-to-Face
MSAManagement of Student Affairs in Universities and Tertiary Institutions25 Nov to 06 Dec 2024NAIROBIFace-to-Face
PAMPayroll Administration Management25 Nov to 05 Dec 2024ELDIFace-to-Face
RPPRetirement Planning Program25 Nov to 29 Nov 2024MATUGAFace-to-Face
RPPRetirement Planning Program25 Nov to 29 Nov 2024NAIROBIFace-to-Face
SMCSenior Management Course25 Nov to 20 Dec 2024MOMBASAFace-to-Face
SMCSenior Management Course25 Nov to 20 Dec 2024NAIROBIFace-to-Face
SSDCSupervisory Skills Development Course25 Nov to 06 Dec 2024MATUGAFace-to-Face
VPCVIP Protection Course25 Nov to 29 Nov 2024NAIROBIFace-to-Face
MSMEManagement of Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises25 Nov to 29 Nov 2024BARINGOFace-to-Face
IPLOInduction Program for Government Liaison Officers02 Dec to 06 Dec 2024MATUGAFace-to-Face
CSSCustomer Care Course02 Dec to 06 Dec 2024MATUGAFace-to-Face
ERMPEnterprise Risk Management in Public Sector02 Dec to 01 Dec 2024EMBUFace-to-Face
EWLExecutive Women Leadership Program02 Dec to 06 Dec 2024NAIROBIFace-to-Face
GUAAGovernance and Management of Urban areas and Cities02 Dec to 13 Dec 2024MOMBASAFace-to-Face
IPSAInduction Program for Special Advisors02 Dec to 06 Dec 2024EMBUFace-to-Face
LPHULeadership Program for Heads of Universities02 Dec to 06 Dec 2024NAIROBIFace-to-Face
PFMPublic Finance Management Course02 Dec to 06 Dec 2024MATUGAFace-to-Face
PPCMPublic Procurement & Contract Management Course02 Dec to 06 Dec 2024EMBUFace-to-Face
MDDPManaging Discipline and Disciplinary Procedures in the Public Service02 Dec to 06 Dec 2024EMBUFace-to-Face
RBMEResults Based Monitoring and Evaluation02 Dec to 13 Dec 2024MOMBASAFace-to-Face
RPPRetirement Planning Program02 Dec to 06 Dec 2024MOMBASAFace-to-Face
RWCReport Writing Course02 Dec to 01 Dec 2024NAIROBIFace-to-Face
SSDCSupervisory Skills Development Course02 Dec to 13 Dec 2024NAIROBIFace-to-Face
SSDCSupervisory Skills Development Course02 Dec to 13 Dec 2024MOMBASAFace-to-Face
TLCTransformative Leadership Course02 Dec to 06 Dec 2024MATUGAFace-to-Face
TOTTraining of Trainers02 Dec to 13 Dec 2024NAIROBIFace-to-Face
MSMEManagement of Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises02 Dec to 06 Dec 2024EMBUFace-to-Face
PPDProject Proposal Development02 Dec to 06 Dec 2024EMBUFace-to-Face
ERMPEnterprise Risk Management in Public Sector09 Dec to 13 Dec 2024MATUGAFace-to-Face
SWCSpeech Writing Course09 Dec to 13 Dec 2024BARINGOFace-to-Face
MSMEManagement of Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises09 Dec to 13 Dec 2024MATUGAFace-to-Face
SDPMSkills Development Program for Educational Institutions09 Dec to 13 Dec 2024BARINGOFace-to-Face
SLDPStrategic Leadership and Development Program06 Jan to 14 Feb 2025NAIROBIFace-to-Face
SLDP-OStrategic Leadership Development Program (Online)06 Jan to 14 Mar 2025EMBUOnline
SMCSenior Management Course06 Jan to 31 Jan 2025NAIROBIFace-to-Face
SMCSenior Management Course06 Jan to 31 Jan 2025BARINGOFace-to-Face
HSCHospitality Skills Development Course13 Jan to 24 Jan 2025BARINGOFace-to-Face
PRCCPublic Relations and Customer Care Course13 Jan to 24 Jan 2025EMBUFace-to-Face
SLDPStrategic Leadership and Development Program13 Jan to 21 Feb 2025MOMBASAFace-to-Face
SLDPStrategic Leadership and Development Program13 Jan to 21 Mar 2025MOMBASAFace-to-Face
SLDPStrategic Leadership and Development Program13 Jan to 21 Feb 2025EMBUFace-to-Face
SLDPStrategic Leadership and Development Program13 Jan to 21 Feb 2025BARINGOFace-to-Face
SLDP-OStrategic Leadership Development Program (Online)13 Jan to 21 Mar 2025MOMBASAOnline
SLDP-OStrategic Leadership Development Program (Online)13 Jan to 21 Mar 2025NAIROBIOnline
SMCSenior Management Course13 Jan to 07 Feb 2025EMBUFace-to-Face
SMCSenior Management Course13 Jan to 07 Feb 2025MOMBASAFace-to-Face
SMCSenior Management Course13 Jan to 07 Feb 2025EMBUFace-to-Face
SMC-OSenior Management Course (Online)13 Jan to 07 Mar 2025BARINGOOnline
SSDCSupervisory Skills Development Course13 Jan to 24 Jan 2025EMBUFace-to-Face
SSDCSupervisory Skills Development Course13 Jan to 24 Jan 2025MOMBASAFace-to-Face
SSDC-OSupervisory Skills Development Course (Online)13 Jan to 07 Feb 2025MOMBASAOnline
PMSPerformance Management Systems13 Jan to 24 Jan 2025BARINGOFace-to-Face
WSPWellness Selfcare Program13 Jan to 24 Jan 2025ELDIFace-to-Face
MDDPManaging Discipline and Disciplinary Procedures in the Public Service20 Jan to 24 Jan 2025NAIROBIFace-to-Face
BPRBusiness Process Re-Engineering Course20 Jan to 24 Jan 2025MATUGAFace-to-Face
CMMConduct of Meetings and Minute Writing Course20 Jan to 24 Jan 2025NAIROBIFace-to-Face
GUAAGovernance and Management of Urban areas and Cities20 Jan to 31 Jan 2025NAIROBIFace-to-Face
HRMDHuman Resource Management and Development20 Jan to 24 Jan 2025EMBUFace-to-Face
MOAManagement Course for Office Administrators20 Jan to 14 Feb 2025EMBUFace-to-Face
PCMProject Cycle Management20 Jan to 24 Jan 2025EMBUFace-to-Face
PRCCPublic Relations and Customer Care Course20 Jan to 31 Jan 2025BARINGOFace-to-Face
PRCCPublic Relations and Customer Care Course20 Jan to 31 Jan 2025NAIROBIFace-to-Face
PSFMPublic Sector Financial Management Course20 Jan to 14 Feb 2025NAIROBIFace-to-Face
RBMEResults Based Monitoring and Evaluation20 Jan to 31 Jan 2025NAIROBIFace-to-Face
SLDP-OStrategic Leadership Development Program (Online)20 Jan to 28 Mar 2025MATUGAOnline
SLDP-OStrategic Leadership Development Program (Online)20 Jan to 28 Mar 2025BARINGOOnline
SMC-OSenior Management Course (Online)20 Jan to 14 Mar 2025MATUGAOnline
SMC-OSenior Management Course (Online)20 Jan to 14 Mar 2025EMBUOnline
SSDCSupervisory Skills Development Course20 Jan to 31 Jan 2025NAIROBIFace-to-Face
SLDP-OStrategic Leadership Development Program (Online)20 Jan to 28 Mar 2025BARINGOOnline
FARRFinancial Accounting, Reporting and Analysis27 Jan to 31 Jan 2025EMBUFace-to-Face
ATIAccess to Information in the Public service course27 Jan to 31 Jan 2025NAIROBIFace-to-Face
CGCCorporate Governance Course27 Jan to 31 Jan 2025NAIROBIFace-to-Face
ERMElectronic Records Management Course27 Jan to 14 Feb 2025ELDIFace-to-Face
ERMPEnterprise Risk Management in Public Sector27 Jan to 31 Jan 2025BARINGOFace-to-Face
PPCMPublic Procurement & Contract Management Course27 Jan to 31 Jan 2025MATUGAFace-to-Face
PRAPolicy Research & Analysis27 Jan to 31 Jan 2025MATUGAFace-to-Face
RMCRecords Management Course27 Jan to 21 Feb 2025MATUGAFace-to-Face
RPPRetirement Planning Program27 Jan to 31 Jan 2025NAIROBIFace-to-Face
RPPRetirement Planning Program27 Jan to 31 Jan 2025MOMBASAFace-to-Face
SLDPStrategic Leadership and Development Program27 Jan to 07 Mar 2025MOMBASAFace-to-Face
SMCSenior Management Course27 Jan to 21 Feb 2025MATUGAFace-to-Face
SMC-OSenior Management Course (Online)27 Jan to 21 Mar 2025MOMBASAOnline
SSDC-OSupervisory Skills Development Course (Online)27 Jan to 21 Feb 2025MATUGAOnline
WPLWomen in Political Leadership Program27 Jan to 31 Jan 2025NAIROBIFace-to-Face
GIBGovernment Identity and Branding03 Feb to 14 Feb 2025MATUGAFace-to-Face
GUAAGovernance and Management of Urban areas and Cities03 Feb to 14 Feb 2025MOMBASAFace-to-Face
HSCHospitality Skills Development Course03 Feb to 14 Feb 2025EMBUFace-to-Face
ICPSInnovation and Creativity in Public Service03 Feb to 14 Feb 2025MOMBASAFace-to-Face
MOAManagement Course for Office Administrators03 Feb to 28 Feb 2025MOMBASAFace-to-Face
MSCManagement Skills Course03 Feb to 28 Feb 2025MOMBASAFace-to-Face
MSCManagement Skills Course03 Feb to 28 Feb 2025BARINGOFace-to-Face
MSCManagement Skills Course03 Feb to 28 Feb 2025MATUGAFace-to-Face
PAMPayroll Administration Management03 Feb to 14 Feb 2025ELDIFace-to-Face
PEMGovernment Protocol, Etiquette & Event Management03 Feb to 07 Feb 2025MOMBASAFace-to-Face
PMERProject Monitoring, Evaluation & Reporting03 Feb to 14 Feb 2025EMBUFace-to-Face
PPMProject Planning and Management03 Feb to 28 Feb 2025MOMBASAFace-to-Face
PPMProject Planning and Management03 Feb to 28 Feb 2025EMBUFace-to-Face
PRCCPublic Relations and Customer Care Course03 Feb to 14 Feb 2025MOMBASAFace-to-Face
RWCReport Writing Course03 Feb to 07 Feb 2025NAIROBIFace-to-Face
SFGMSustainable Approaches to Eradication of Female Genital Mutilation03 Feb to 07 Feb 2025NAIROBIFace-to-Face
SLDPStrategic Leadership and Development Program03 Feb to 14 Mar 2025MATUGAFace-to-Face
SMCSenior Management Course03 Feb to 28 Feb 2025NAIROBIFace-to-Face
SMCSenior Management Course03 Feb to 28 Feb 2025BARINGOFace-to-Face
SMC-OSenior Management Course (Online)03 Feb to 28 Mar 2025NAIROBIOnline
SMC-OSenior Management Course (Online)03 Feb to 28 Mar 2025EMBUOnline
YEAYouth Enterprise in Agriculture03 Feb to 07 Feb 2025NAIROBIFace-to-Face
RWCReport Writing Course07 Feb to 06 Feb 2025EMBUFace-to-Face
ECPSEssentials of Counseling in Public Service10 Feb to 21 Feb 2025MOMBASAFace-to-Face
DMCDisaster Management Course10 Feb to 21 Feb 2025MATUGAFace-to-Face
DMCDisaster Management Course10 Feb to 21 Jan 2025EMBUFace-to-Face
FIDPFraud Investigation, Detection and Prevention10 Feb to 14 Feb 2025NAIROBIFace-to-Face
MCPSManagement of Child Protection Services10 Feb to 21 Feb 2025BARINGOFace-to-Face
MOAManagement Course for Office Administrators10 Feb to 07 Mar 2025NAIROBIFace-to-Face
MSPSManagement of Social Protection Services10 Feb to 21 Feb 2025BARINGOFace-to-Face
NSCNegotiation Skills Course10 Feb to 14 Feb 2025EMBUFace-to-Face
PEEMProtocol, Etiquette and Event Management Course 10 Feb to 14 Feb 2025NAIROBIFace-to-Face
PEEMProtocol, Etiquette and Event Management Course 10 Feb to 14 Feb 2025EMBUFace-to-Face
PMERProject Monitoring, Evaluation & Reporting10 Feb to 21 Feb 2025NAIROBIFace-to-Face
PPWCProject Proposal Writing10 Feb to 14 Feb 2025BARINGOFace-to-Face
RMCRecords Management Course10 Feb to 07 Mar 2025NAIROBIFace-to-Face
RPPRetirement Planning Program10 Feb to 14 Feb 2025MOMBASAFace-to-Face
RPPRetirement Planning Program10 Feb to 14 Feb 2025EMBUFace-to-Face
RWCReport Writing Course10 Feb to 14 Feb 2025MOMBASAFace-to-Face
SHRStrategic Human Resource Management &Development Course10 Feb to 14 Feb 2025NAIROBIFace-to-Face
SLDP-OStrategic Leadership Development Program (Online)10 Feb to 18 Apr 2025EMBUOnline
SMCSenior Management Course10 Feb to 07 Mar 2025EMBUFace-to-Face
SSDCSupervisory Skills Development Course10 Feb to 21 Feb 2025MOMBASAFace-to-Face
TLCWTransformative Leadership Program for County Women Executives10 Feb to 14 Feb 2025EMBUFace-to-Face
MSMEManagement of Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises10 Feb to 14 Feb 2025MOMBASAFace-to-Face
MSMEManagement of Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises10 Feb to 14 Feb 2025BARINGOFace-to-Face
ISSInformation System Security Management Course17 Feb to 21 Feb 2025ELDIFace-to-Face
CMMConduct of Meetings and Minute Writing Course17 Feb to 21 Feb 2025BARINGOFace-to-Face
DPPData Protection Program17 Feb to 21 Feb 2025ELDIFace-to-Face
EWLExecutive Women Leadership Program17 Feb to 21 Feb 2025EMBUFace-to-Face
GMDGender Mainstreaming in Development17 Feb to 21 Feb 2025NAIROBIFace-to-Face
GPWGrant Proposal Writing17 Feb to 21 Feb 2025BARINGOFace-to-Face
PEEMProtocol, Etiquette and Event Management Course 17 Feb to 21 Feb 2025BARINGOFace-to-Face
PFMPublic Finance Management Course17 Feb to 21 Feb 2025EMBUFace-to-Face
PPFIPublic Policy Formulation and Implementation17 Feb to 28 Feb 2025BARINGOFace-to-Face
PPFIPublic Policy Formulation and Implementation17 Feb to 21 Feb 2025NAIROBIFace-to-Face
PSPSPublic Speaking & Presentation Skills17 Feb to 21 Feb 2025NAIROBIFace-to-Face
RESCRevenue Enhancement Skills Course17 Feb to 28 Feb 2025EMBUFace-to-Face
RWCReport Writing Course17 Feb to 21 Feb 2025BARINGOFace-to-Face
SLDPStrategic Leadership and Development Program17 Feb to 28 Mar 2025NAIROBIFace-to-Face
SMCSenior Management Course17 Feb to 14 Mar 2025MOMBASAFace-to-Face
SSDCSupervisory Skills Development Course17 Feb to 28 Feb 2025MATUGAFace-to-Face
SSDCSupervisory Skills Development Course17 Feb to 28 Feb 2025NAIROBIFace-to-Face
SSDCSupervisory Skills Development Course17 Feb to 28 Feb 2025BARINGOFace-to-Face
SWCSpeech Writing Course17 Feb to 21 Feb 2025NAIROBIFace-to-Face
CMPCoaching and Mentoring in the Public Service24 Feb to 28 Feb 2025EMBUFace-to-Face
HRACHuman Resource Advisory Committee Course24 Feb to 28 Feb 2025MATUGAFace-to-Face
SLDPStrategic Leadership and Development Program24 Feb to 04 Apr 2025BARINGOFace-to-Face
SPMStrategic Planning and Management24 Feb to 28 Feb 2025NAIROBIFace-to-Face
TLCTransformative Leadership Course24 Feb to 28 Feb 2025BARINGOFace-to-Face
CMMConduct of Meetings and Minute Writing Course03 Mar to 07 Mar 2025MOMBASAFace-to-Face
CSDCommunication Skills Development Course03 Mar to 14 Mar 2025MOMBASAFace-to-Face
HRACHuman Resource Advisory Committee Course03 Mar to 07 Mar 2025NAIROBIFace-to-Face
CSPCommunication Skills for Public Service Officers03 Mar to 14 Mar 2025MOMBASAFace-to-Face
CSPCommunication Skills for Public Service Officers03 Mar to 14 Mar 2025EMBUFace-to-Face
EYSEEntrepreneurship for Youth engaged in SMEs03 Mar to 07 Mar 2025EMBUFace-to-Face
FMWFinancial Management for Project Accountants in Government & World Bank.03 Mar to 14 Mar 2025ELDIFace-to-Face
ICPSInnovation and Creativity in Public Service03 Mar to 14 Mar 2025EMBUFace-to-Face
MSCManagement Skills Course03 Mar to 28 Mar 2025EMBUFace-to-Face
NSCNegotiation Skills Course03 Mar to 07 Mar 2025NAIROBIFace-to-Face
NSCNegotiation Skills Course03 Mar to 07 Mar 2025BARINGOFace-to-Face
NSCNegotiation Skills Course03 Mar to 07 Mar 2025NAIROBIFace-to-Face
RMCRecords Management Course03 Mar to 21 Mar 2025BARINGOFace-to-Face
RMCRecords Management Course03 Mar to 28 Mar 2025MOMBASAFace-to-Face
RPPRetirement Planning Program03 Mar to 07 Mar 2025MOMBASAFace-to-Face
SLDPStrategic Leadership and Development Program03 Mar to 11 Apr 2025EMBUFace-to-Face
SMCSenior Management Course03 Mar to 28 Mar 2025NAIROBIFace-to-Face
SMCSenior Management Course03 Mar to 28 Mar 2025BARINGOFace-to-Face
SSDC-OSupervisory Skills Development Course (Online)03 Mar to 28 Mar 2025MOMBASAOnline
TLCTransformative Leadership Course03 Mar to 07 Mar 2025EMBUFace-to-Face
TOTTraining of Trainers03 Mar to 14 Mar 2025MATUGAFace-to-Face
TOT-OPedagogy for Senior Programs (Training of Trainers) Online03 Mar to 28 Mar 2025BARINGOFace-to-Face
YLDYoung Leaders Development Program03 Mar to 07 Mar 2025MOMBASAFace-to-Face
PRCC - OPublic Relations & Customer Care (Online)03 Mar to 28 Mar 2025MATUGAOnline
MPCHManagement of Parliamentary Committee Hearings04 Mar to 07 Mar 2025EMBUFace-to-Face
CCTCustomer Care Course10 Mar to 14 Mar 2025EMBUFace-to-Face
DASData Analysis Skills Development10 Mar to 28 Mar 2025EMBUFace-to-Face
MSMEManagement of Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises10 Mar to 14 Mar 2025EMBUFace-to-Face
AOPAccounting Officers Program10 Mar to 14 Mar 2025MATUGAFace-to-Face
BPRBusiness Process Re-Engineering Course10 Mar to 14 Mar 2025NAIROBIFace-to-Face
CMEMPreparation of Cabinet Memoranda10 Mar to 14 Mar 2025EMBUFace-to-Face
CSPCommunication Skills for Public Service Officers10 Mar to 14 Mar 2025NAIROBIFace-to-Face
CSPSCounty Social Protection Services Course10 Mar to 14 Mar 2025EMBUFace-to-Face
ERMPEnterprise Risk Management in Public Sector10 Mar to 14 Mar 2025MOMBASAFace-to-Face
ERMPEnterprise Risk Management in Public Sector10 Mar to 14 Mar 2025NAIROBIFace-to-Face
EVIMEthics, Values and Integrity Development Program for Managers10 Mar to 28 Mar 2025EMBUFace-to-Face
FNFFinance for Non Finance Managers10 Mar to 14 Mar 2025EMBUFace-to-Face
GIBGovernment Identity and Branding10 Mar to 21 Mar 2025EMBUFace-to-Face
HRACHuman Resource Advisory Committee Course10 Mar to 14 Mar 2025BARINGOFace-to-Face
HSCHospitality Skills Development Course10 Mar to 21 Mar 2025MATUGAFace-to-Face
HSCHospitality Skills Development Course10 Mar to 21 Mar 2025NAIROBIFace-to-Face
IRCMInstitutional Re-engineering and Change Management Course10 Mar to 14 Mar 2025NAIROBIFace-to-Face
MCPSManagement of Child Protection Services10 Mar to 21 Mar 2025EMBUFace-to-Face
PIMProductivity Improvement and Measurement10 Mar to 14 Mar 2025NAIROBIFace-to-Face
PSPSPublic Speaking & Presentation Skills10 Mar to 14 Mar 2025MOMBASAFace-to-Face
RBMEResults Based Monitoring and Evaluation10 Mar to 21 Mar 2025MOMBASAFace-to-Face
SLDPStrategic Leadership and Development Program10 Mar to 18 Apr 2025MOMBASAFace-to-Face
SMCSenior Management Course10 Mar to 04 Apr 2025MATUGAFace-to-Face
SMCSenior Management Course10 Mar to 04 Apr 2025EMBUFace-to-Face
SSDCSupervisory Skills Development Course10 Mar to 21 Mar 2025MOMBASAFace-to-Face
SSDCSupervisory Skills Development Course10 Mar to 21 Mar 2025BARINGOFace-to-Face
TLCTransformative Leadership Course10 Mar to 14 Mar 2025NAIROBIFace-to-Face
TOTTraining of Trainers10 Mar to 21 Mar 2025BARINGOFace-to-Face
VESOPublic Service Values and Ethics Program for Senior Officers10 Mar to 12 Mar 2025MATUGAFace-to-Face
ECSEssential Computer Skills Course17 Mar to 28 Mar 2025MOMBASAFace-to-Face
AEDAdvanced Excel for Data modelling17 Mar to 21 Mar 2025ELDIFace-to-Face
ARAAudit and Risk Assurance17 Mar to 21 Mar 2025MOMBASAFace-to-Face
ECSEssential Computer Skills Course17 Mar to 28 Mar 2025MOMBASAFace-to-Face
FNFFinance for Non Finance Managers17 Mar to 21 Mar 2025MOMBASAFace-to-Face
FNFFinance for Non Finance Managers17 Mar to 21 Mar 2025NAIROBIFace-to-Face
MSAManagement of Student Affairs in Universities and Tertiary Institutions17 Mar to 28 Mar 2025EMBUFace-to-Face
PPCMPublic Procurement & Contract Management Course17 Mar to 21 Mar 2025MOMBASAFace-to-Face
PPCMPublic Procurement & Contract Management Course17 Mar to 28 Mar 2025MOMBASAFace-to-Face
PRCCPublic Relations and Customer Care Course17 Mar to 28 Mar 2025EMBUFace-to-Face
RPPRetirement Planning Program17 Mar to 21 Mar 2025NAIROBIFace-to-Face
SLDP-OStrategic Leadership Development Program (Online)17 Mar to 23 May 2025EMBUOnline
SMC-OSenior Management Course (Online)17 Mar to 09 May 2025EMBUOnline
SPIStrategic Planning and Implementation17 Mar to 28 Mar 2025EMBUFace-to-Face
SSDCSupervisory Skills Development Course17 Mar to 28 Mar 2025EMBUFace-to-Face
SSDCSupervisory Skills Development Course17 Mar to 28 Mar 2025NAIROBIFace-to-Face
TLCWTransformative Leadership Program for County Women Executives17 Mar to 21 Mar 2025NAIROBIFace-to-Face
VEMOPublic Service values and Ethics for Managerial officers17 Mar to 21 Mar 2025EMBUFace-to-Face
CGCCorporate Governance Course24 Mar to 28 Mar 2025EMBUFace-to-Face
CMMConduct of Meetings and Minute Writing Course24 Mar to 28 Mar 2025NAIROBIFace-to-Face
CMPCoaching and Mentoring in the Public Service24 Mar to 28 Mar 2025NAIROBIFace-to-Face
CRBChild-Responsive Budgeting24 Mar to 28 Mar 2025NAIROBIFace-to-Face
HRMDHuman Resource Management and Development24 Mar to 28 Mar 2025BARINGOFace-to-Face
IRCMInstitutional Re-engineering and Change Management Course24 Mar to 28 Mar 2025EMBUFace-to-Face
ISMSInformation Security Management System (ISMS)24 Mar to 28 Mar 2025ELDIFace-to-Face
KMCKnowledge Management Course24 Mar to 28 Mar 2025ELDIFace-to-Face
MOAManagement Course for Office Administrators24 Mar to 18 Apr 2025MATUGAFace-to-Face
PSPSPublic Speaking & Presentation Skills24 Mar to 28 Mar 2025EMBUFace-to-Face
SLDPStrategic Leadership and Development Program24 Mar to 02 May 2025MOMBASAFace-to-Face
SMCSenior Management Course24 Mar to 18 Apr 2025MOMBASAFace-to-Face
TLCTransformative Leadership Course24 Mar to 28 Mar 2025MATUGAFace-to-Face
GDPGender and Development Program31 Mar to 11 Apr 2025MATUGAFace-to-Face
GDPGender and Development Program31 Mar to 04 Apr 2025NAIROBIFace-to-Face
PRCCPublic Relations and Customer Care Course31 Mar to 11 Apr 2025MATUGAFace-to-Face
RESCRevenue Enhancement Skills Course31 Mar to 11 Apr 2025MATUGAFace-to-Face
SLDPStrategic Leadership and Development Program31 Mar to 06 Jun 2025MOMBASAFace-to-Face
SLDPStrategic Leadership and Development Program31 Mar to 09 May 2025NAIROBIFace-to-Face
SLDP-OStrategic Leadership Development Program (Online)31 Mar to 06 Jun 2025MOMBASAOnline
SLDP-OStrategic Leadership Development Program (Online)31 Mar to 06 Jun 2025BARINGOOnline
SMCSenior Management Course31 Mar to 25 Apr 2025NAIROBIFace-to-Face
SLDP-OStrategic Leadership Development Program (Online)31 Mar to 06 Jun 2025BARINGOOnline
IPLOInduction Program for Government Liaison Officers07 Apr to 11 Apr 2025MATUGAFace-to-Face
AMCAsset Management Course07 Apr to 11 Apr 2025NAIROBIFace-to-Face
ATIAccess to Information in the Public service course07 Apr to 13 Jun 2025NAIROBIFace-to-Face
CGCCorporate Governance Course07 Apr to 11 Apr 2025NAIROBIFace-to-Face
FARRFinancial Accounting, Reporting and Analysis07 Apr to 11 Apr 2025NAIROBIFace-to-Face
FARRFinancial Accounting, Reporting and Analysis07 Apr to 11 Apr 2025NAIROBIFace-to-Face
GACInduction Program for Government Advisors07 Apr to 18 Apr 2025EMBUFace-to-Face
LMISIntegrated Library Management System07 Apr to 18 Apr 2025EMBUFace-to-Face
MOAManagement Course for Office Administrators07 Apr to 02 May 2025MOMBASAFace-to-Face
MSAManagement of Student Affairs in Universities and Tertiary Institutions07 Apr to 18 Apr 2025NAIROBIFace-to-Face
MSCManagement Skills Course07 Apr to 02 May 2025MOMBASAFace-to-Face
MSPSManagement of Social Protection Services07 Apr to 18 Apr 2025NAIROBIFace-to-Face
PMSPerformance Management Systems07 Apr to 18 Apr 2025MOMBASAFace-to-Face
PPMProject Planning and Management07 Apr to 02 May 2025MATUGAFace-to-Face
RMCRecords Management Course07 Apr to 02 May 2025EMBUFace-to-Face
RPPRetirement Planning Program07 Apr to 11 Apr 2025MATUGAFace-to-Face
SLDPStrategic Leadership and Development Program07 Apr to 16 May 2025BARINGOFace-to-Face
SLDP-OStrategic Leadership Development Program (Online)07 Apr to 13 Jun 2025NAIROBIOnline
SMCSenior Management Course07 Apr to 02 May 2025EMBUFace-to-Face
SMCSenior Management Course07 Apr to 02 May 2025BARINGOFace-to-Face
SMC-OSenior Management Course (Online)07 Apr to 30 May 2025MATUGAOnline
SMC-OSenior Management Course (Online)07 Apr to 30 May 2025MOMBASAOnline
SMC-OSenior Management Course (Online)07 Apr to 30 May 2025EMBUOnline
SMC-OSenior Management Course (Online)07 Apr to 30 May 2025BARINGOOnline
SPMStrategic Planning and Management07 Apr to 11 Apr 2025EMBUFace-to-Face
SSDC-OSupervisory Skills Development Course (Online)07 Apr to 02 May 2025EMBUOnline
TOTTraining of Trainers07 Apr to 18 Apr 2025EMBUFace-to-Face
TOTTraining of Trainers07 Apr to 18 Apr 2025NAIROBIFace-to-Face
PRCC - OPublic Relations & Customer Care (Online)07 Apr to 02 May 2025EMBUOnline
SLDP-OStrategic Leadership Development Program (Online)07 Apr to 16 May 2025BARINGOOnline
ECPSEssentials of Counseling in Public Service14 Apr to 25 Apr 2025EMBUFace-to-Face
FOPFacilitation approaches for Online Programs (online)14 Apr to 16 May 2025ELDIFace-to-Face
LPHULeadership Program for Heads of Universities14 Apr to 18 Apr 2025NAIROBIFace-to-Face
CMMConduct of Meetings and Minute Writing Course14 Apr to 18 Apr 2025EMBUFace-to-Face
GIBGovernment Identity and Branding14 Apr to 18 Apr 2025BARINGOFace-to-Face
PRCCPublic Relations and Customer Care Course14 Apr to 25 Apr 2025NAIROBIFace-to-Face
PSFMPublic Sector Financial Management Course14 Apr to 09 May 2025NAIROBIFace-to-Face
RPWResearch Proposal Writing14 Apr to 18 Apr 2025BARINGOFace-to-Face
RWCReport Writing Course14 Apr to 18 Apr 2025MATUGAFace-to-Face
SLDP-OStrategic Leadership Development Program (Online)14 Apr to 20 Jun 2025EMBUOnline
SSDCSupervisory Skills Development Course14 Apr to 25 Apr 2025MOMBASAFace-to-Face
SSDCSupervisory Skills Development Course14 Apr to 18 Apr 2025BARINGOFace-to-Face
SSDCSupervisory Skills Development Course14 Apr to 25 Apr 2025NAIROBIFace-to-Face
YLDYoung Leaders Development Program14 Apr to 18 Apr 2025NAIROBIFace-to-Face
CGCCorporate Governance Course21 Apr to 25 Apr 2025MATUGAFace-to-Face
PIMProductivity Improvement and Measurement21 Apr to 25 Apr 2025BARINGOFace-to-Face
PPFIPublic Policy Formulation and Implementation21 Apr to 25 Apr 2025MOMBASAFace-to-Face
RPPRetirement Planning Program21 Apr to 25 Apr 2025MOMBASAFace-to-Face
RWCReport Writing Course21 Apr to 25 Apr 2025MOMBASAFace-to-Face
RWCReport Writing Course21 Apr to 25 Apr 2025NAIROBIFace-to-Face
SLDP-OStrategic Leadership Development Program (Online)21 Apr to 27 Jun 2025MATUGAOnline
SMCSenior Management Course21 Apr to 16 May 2025MATUGAFace-to-Face
SSDC-OSupervisory Skills Development Course (Online)21 Apr to 16 May 2025MATUGAOnline
SSDC-OSupervisory Skills Development Course (Online)21 Apr to 16 May 2025MATUGAOnline
SDPMSkills Development Program for Educational Institutions21 Apr to 25 Apr 2025BARINGOFace-to-Face
SLDPStrategic Leadership and Development Program28 Apr to 06 Jun 2025MATUGAFace-to-Face
SMCSenior Management Course28 Apr to 23 May 2025MOMBASAFace-to-Face
SMCSenior Management Course28 Apr to 23 May 2025NAIROBIFace-to-Face
ECPSEssentials of Counseling in Public Service05 May to 16 May 2025MOMBASAFace-to-Face
MDDPManaging Discipline and Disciplinary Procedures in the Public Service05 May to 09 May 2025NAIROBIFace-to-Face
MOA-OManagement Course for Office Administrators- Online05 May to 07 Jun 2025EMBUOnline
PPCMPublic Procurement & Contract Management Course05 May to 09 May 2025MOMBASAFace-to-Face
AFMWAdvanced Financial Management Course for Project Accountants Implementing Government and World Bank Funded Projects05 May to 16 May 2025ELDIFace-to-Face
ATIAccess to Information in the Public service course05 May to 09 May 2025NAIROBIFace-to-Face
CMPCoaching and Mentoring in the Public Service05 May to 09 May 2025MATUGAFace-to-Face
ERMPEnterprise Risk Management in Public Sector05 May to 09 May 2025EMBUFace-to-Face
FIDPFraud Investigation, Detection and Prevention05 May to 09 May 2025NAIROBIFace-to-Face
FNFFinance for Non Finance Managers05 May to 09 May 2025MOMBASAFace-to-Face
GUAAGovernance and Management of Urban areas and Cities05 May to 16 May 2025NAIROBIFace-to-Face
PRCC - OPublic Relations & Customer Care (Online)05 May to 30 May 2025MATUGAOnline
MOAManagement Course for Office Administrators05 May to 30 May 2025EMBUFace-to-Face
MSCManagement Skills Course05 May to 30 May 2025BARINGOFace-to-Face
MSC-OManagement Skills Course (Online)05 May to 27 Jun 2025EMBUOnline
PIMProductivity Improvement and Measurement05 May to 09 May 2025EMBUFace-to-Face
PPMProject Planning and Management05 May to 30 May 2025MOMBASAFace-to-Face
PRCCPublic Relations and Customer Care Course05 May to 16 May 2025MOMBASAFace-to-Face
PSECProficiency Skills Enhancement Course05 May to 30 May 2025MATUGAFace-to-Face
RBMEResults Based Monitoring and Evaluation05 May to 16 May 2025MOMBASAFace-to-Face
RMCRecords Management Course05 May to 23 May 2025BARINGOFace-to-Face
RMCRecords Management Course05 May to 30 May 2025MATUGAFace-to-Face
RPPRetirement Planning Program05 May to 09 May 2025BARINGOFace-to-Face
SLDPStrategic Leadership and Development Program05 May to 13 Jun 2025MOMBASAFace-to-Face
SLDPStrategic Leadership and Development Program05 May to 13 Jun 2025EMBUFace-to-Face
SMCSenior Management Course05 May to 30 May 2025BARINGOFace-to-Face
SMCSenior Management Course05 May to 30 May 2025EMBUFace-to-Face
SMC-OSenior Management Course (Online)05 May to 27 Jun 2025NAIROBIOnline
SMC-OSenior Management Course (Online)05 May to 27 Jun 2025EMBUOnline
SMTSecretarial Management Training05 May to 30 May 2025BARINGOFace-to-Face
SPMStrategic Planning and Management05 May to 09 May 2025NAIROBIFace-to-Face
SSDCSupervisory Skills Development Course05 May to 16 May 2025MATUGAFace-to-Face
SSDCSupervisory Skills Development Course05 May to 16 May 2025MOMBASAFace-to-Face
SSDC-OSupervisory Skills Development Course (Online)05 May to 30 May 2025MOMBASAOnline
YLDYoung Leaders Development Program05 May to 09 May 2025EMBUFace-to-Face
TLCTransformative Leadership Course09 May to 13 May 2025EMBUFace-to-Face
SLDPStrategic Leadership and Development Program11 May to 27 Jun 2025NAIROBIFace-to-Face
CSDCommunication Skills Development Course12 May to 23 May 2025MOMBASAFace-to-Face
HRMDHuman Resource Management and Development12 May to 16 May 2025MOMBASAFace-to-Face
MSMEManagement of Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises12 May to 16 May 2025BARINGOFace-to-Face
CMPCoaching and Mentoring in the Public Service12 May to 16 May 2025EMBUFace-to-Face
ERMPEnterprise Risk Management in Public Sector12 May to 16 May 2025BARINGOFace-to-Face
EVITEthics, Values and Integrity Development Program for Technical Officers12 May to 30 May 2025EMBUFace-to-Face
EWLExecutive Women Leadership Program12 May to 16 May 2025EMBUFace-to-Face
EYSEEntrepreneurship for Youth engaged in SMEs12 May to 16 May 2025NAIROBIFace-to-Face
GUAAGovernance and Management of Urban areas and Cities12 May to 23 May 2025MOMBASAFace-to-Face
HSCHospitality Skills Development Course12 May to 23 May 2025BARINGOFace-to-Face
ICPSInnovation and Creativity in Public Service12 May to 16 May 2025BARINGOFace-to-Face
ICPSInnovation and Creativity in Public Service12 May to 23 May 2025MOMBASAFace-to-Face
ICPSInnovation and Creativity in Public Service12 May to 23 May 2025MOMBASAFace-to-Face
PEEMProtocol, Etiquette and Event Management Course 12 May to 16 May 2025NAIROBIFace-to-Face
PFMPublic Finance Management Course12 May to 16 May 2025MOMBASAFace-to-Face
PMERProject Monitoring, Evaluation & Reporting12 May to 23 May 2025NAIROBIFace-to-Face
PPMProject Planning and Management12 May to 06 Jun 2025EMBUFace-to-Face
SHRStrategic Human Resource Management &Development Course12 May to 16 May 2025NAIROBIFace-to-Face
SSDCSupervisory Skills Development Course12 May to 23 May 2025BARINGOFace-to-Face
TLCWTransformative Leadership Program for County Women Executives12 May to 16 May 2025EMBUFace-to-Face
TOT-OPedagogy for Senior Programs (Training of Trainers) Online12 May to 06 Jun 2025MATUGAFace-to-Face
YEAYouth Enterprise in Agriculture12 May to 16 May 2025NAIROBIFace-to-Face
SSDCSupervisory Skills Development Course17 May to 23 May 2025EMBUFace-to-Face
PPCMPublic Procurement & Contract Management Course19 May to 30 May 2025MOMBASAFace-to-Face
DDEPDesigning and Developing e-learning programs19 May to 30 May 2025ELDIFace-to-Face
ERMPEnterprise Risk Management in Public Sector19 May to 23 May 2025MATUGAFace-to-Face
HSCHospitality Skills Development Course19 May to 30 May 2025NAIROBIFace-to-Face
IPSAInduction Program for Special Advisors19 May to 23 May 2025EMBUFace-to-Face
MOAManagement Course for Office Administrators19 May to 13 Jun 2025NAIROBIFace-to-Face
PEMGovernment Protocol, Etiquette & Event Management19 May to 23 May 2025MOMBASAFace-to-Face
PPCMPublic Procurement & Contract Management Course19 May to 23 May 2025BARINGOFace-to-Face
RESCRevenue Enhancement Skills Course19 May to 30 May 2025BARINGOFace-to-Face
RMCRecords Management Course19 May to 13 Jun 2025NAIROBIFace-to-Face
RPPRetirement Planning Program19 May to 23 May 2025MOMBASAFace-to-Face
SFGMSustainable Approaches to Eradication of Female Genital Mutilation19 May to 23 May 2025NAIROBIFace-to-Face
SLDPStrategic Leadership and Development Program19 May to 27 Jun 2025MOMBASAFace-to-Face
SSDCSupervisory Skills Development Course19 May to 30 May 2025NAIROBIFace-to-Face
TLCTransformative Leadership Course19 May to 23 May 2025NAIROBIFace-to-Face
TLCTransformative Leadership Course19 May to 23 May 2025BARINGOFace-to-Face
FNFFinance for Non Finance Managers26 May to 30 May 2025NAIROBIFace-to-Face
MCPSManagement of Child Protection Services26 May to 06 Jun 2025NAIROBIFace-to-Face
PPFIPublic Policy Formulation and Implementation26 May to 30 May 2025MATUGAFace-to-Face
RPPRetirement Planning Program26 May to 30 May 2025NAIROBIFace-to-Face
SMCSenior Management Course26 May to 20 Jun 2025NAIROBIFace-to-Face
SDPMSkills Development Program for Educational Institutions02 Jun to 06 Jun 2025MOMBASAFace-to-Face
SDPMSkills Development Program for Educational Institutions02 Jun to 06 Jun 2025MATUGAFace-to-Face
AMCAsset Management Course02 Jun to 06 Jun 2025NAIROBIFace-to-Face
ARAAudit and Risk Assurance02 Jun to 06 Jun 2025EMBUFace-to-Face
IEIAIntegrated Environmental Impact assessment and Audit in Development02 Jun to 20 Jun 2025NAIROBIFace-to-Face
MSCManagement Skills Course02 Jun to 27 Jun 2025MOMBASAFace-to-Face
PADPayroll Administration for Directors02 Jun to 06 Jun 2025ELDIFace-to-Face
PDMProject Development and Management02 Jun to 27 Jun 2025EMBUFace-to-Face
PRCCPublic Relations and Customer Care Course02 Jun to 13 Jun 2025EMBUFace-to-Face
PSPSPublic Speaking & Presentation Skills02 Jun to 06 Jun 2025MOMBASAFace-to-Face
RMCRecords Management Course02 Jun to 27 Jun 2025MOMBASAFace-to-Face
RWCReport Writing Course02 Jun to 06 Jun 2025MOMBASAFace-to-Face
SMCSenior Management Course02 Jun to 27 Jun 2025MOMBASAFace-to-Face
SMCSenior Management Course02 Jun to 27 Jun 2025MATUGAFace-to-Face
SMCSenior Management Course02 Jun to 27 Jun 2025EMBUFace-to-Face
SMCSenior Management Course02 Jun to 27 Jun 2025BARINGOFace-to-Face
SSDCSupervisory Skills Development Course02 Jun to 13 Jun 2025MOMBASAFace-to-Face
SSDC-OSupervisory Skills Development Course (Online)02 Jun to 27 Jun 2025MATUGAOnline
YLDYoung Leaders Development Program02 Jun to 06 Jun 2025MOMBASAFace-to-Face
CMMConduct of Meetings and Minute Writing Course09 Jun to 13 Jun 2025MOMBASAFace-to-Face
HRACHuman Resource Advisory Committee Course09 Jun to 13 Jun 2025NAIROBIFace-to-Face
AOPAccounting Officers Program09 Jun to 13 Jun 2025MATUGAFace-to-Face
ARAAudit and Risk Assurance09 Jun to 13 Jun 2025MOMBASAFace-to-Face
BPRBusiness Process Re-Engineering Course09 Jun to 13 Jun 2025NAIROBIFace-to-Face
CGCCorporate Governance Course09 Jun to 13 Jun 2025NAIROBIFace-to-Face
CMMConduct of Meetings and Minute Writing Course09 Jun to 13 Jun 2025NAIROBIFace-to-Face
CSPCommunication Skills for Public Service Officers09 Jun to 13 Jun 2025NAIROBIFace-to-Face
GMDGender Mainstreaming in Development09 Jun to 13 Jun 2025NAIROBIFace-to-Face
IRCMInstitutional Re-engineering and Change Management Course09 Jun to 13 Jun 2025NAIROBIFace-to-Face
KMCKnowledge Management Course09 Jun to 13 Jun 2025ELDIFace-to-Face
PFMPublic Finance Management Course09 Jun to 13 Jun 2025MOMBASAFace-to-Face
PFMPublic Finance Management Course09 Jun to 13 Jun 2025NAIROBIFace-to-Face
PIMProductivity Improvement and Measurement09 Jun to 13 Jun 2025NAIROBIFace-to-Face
PPFIPublic Policy Formulation and Implementation09 Jun to 13 Jun 2025MOMBASAFace-to-Face
PRCCPublic Relations and Customer Care Course09 Jun to 20 Jun 2025NAIROBIFace-to-Face
PSPSPublic Speaking & Presentation Skills09 Jun to 13 Jun 2025NAIROBIFace-to-Face
RPPRetirement Planning Program09 Jun to 13 Jun 2025MATUGAFace-to-Face
RPPRetirement Planning Program09 Jun to 13 Jun 2025EMBUFace-to-Face
CSDCommunication Skills Development Course16 Jun to 27 Jun 2025MOMBASAFace-to-Face
ECSEssential Computer Skills Course16 Jun to 27 Jun 2025MOMBASAFace-to-Face
CSPCommunication Skills for Public Service Officers16 Jun to 27 Jun 2025MOMBASAFace-to-Face
CSPSCounty Social Protection Services Course16 Jun to 20 Jun 2025EMBUFace-to-Face
DMCDisaster Management Course16 Jun to 27 Jun 2025BARINGOFace-to-Face
ECSEssential Computer Skills Course16 Jun to 27 Jun 2025MOMBASAFace-to-Face
MSAManagement of Student Affairs in Universities and Tertiary Institutions16 Jun to 27 Jun 2025EMBUFace-to-Face
PMSPerformance Management Systems16 Jun to 27 Jun 2025MATUGAFace-to-Face
PPMProject Planning and Management16 Jun to 20 Jun 2025BARINGOFace-to-Face
RBMEResults Based Monitoring and Evaluation16 Jun to 27 Jun 2025BARINGOFace-to-Face
RPPRetirement Planning Program16 Jun to 20 Jun 2025MOMBASAFace-to-Face
SSDCSupervisory Skills Development Course16 Jun to 27 Jun 2025NAIROBIFace-to-Face
SWCSpeech Writing Course16 Jun to 20 Jun 2025NAIROBIFace-to-Face
TOTTraining of Trainers16 Jun to 27 Jun 2025NAIROBIFace-to-Face
WSPWellness Selfcare Program16 Jun to 27 Jun 2025NAIROBIFace-to-Face
HRMDHuman Resource Management and Development23 Jun to 27 Jun 2025MOMBASAFace-to-Face
CMPCoaching and Mentoring in the Public Service23 Jun to 27 Jun 2025NAIROBIFace-to-Face
IPSInduction Program for the Public Service23 Jun to 27 Jun 2025BARINGOFace-to-Face
PEEMProtocol, Etiquette and Event Management Course 23 Jun to 27 Jun 2025MATUGAFace-to-Face
PEEMProtocol, Etiquette and Event Management Course 23 Jun to 27 Jun 2025NAIROBIFace-to-Face
PEEMProtocol, Etiquette and Event Management Course 23 Jun to 27 Jun 2025BARINGOFace-to-Face
PPFIPublic Policy Formulation and Implementation23 Jun to 27 Jun 2025NAIROBIFace-to-Face
RWCReport Writing Course23 Jun to 27 Jun 2025NAIROBIFace-to-Face
YLDYoung Leaders Development Program23 Jun to 27 Jun 2025NAIROBIFace-to-Face
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